Why Freshworks

We do ideas. Lots of them. But unlike most creative ideas, ours are underpinned by engineering expertise and practical experience. And they are delivered with speed and agility by a small team of designer-engineers. Whatever your challenge, we have the rapid problem-solving skills to help solve it.

Hands-on, quick and dirty

Freshworks is a design and engineering consultancy with a difference. We don’t do shiny, we don’t do fluff. What we do is generate original solutions that work. Beautifully.

We are hands-on and we work fast, using sketching, quick proof of concept models, and rapid prototyping. We don’t just design solutions, we build them to prove they work, and then we make them even better. It’s not slick, it’s a proper workshop.

The beauty in our solutions is always more than skin deep.

A small team of designer-engineers

Designers typically don’t do technical detail, and engineers typically don’t think laterally. We do both. Each member of our small team is both designer and engineer, with Royal College of Art qualifications to prove it. We are ‘T-shaped people’, combining the designer’s breadth and the engineer’s depth.

Our approach

Our approach to solving problems is simple but effective;

  • We step back to explore the challenge, look at the constraints and opportunities, and map all possible approaches.

  • We evaluate the above to define the exact problem to be solved. It’s not always the problem we started with. This defines WHAT we need to deliver.

  • We then develop multiple solutions, test them, refine them, combine or eliminate them until we have a preferred approach.

  • We’ll then focus on HOW we can deliver the final solution. We design it, build it, test it, and refine it until it’s right.

By combining a designer’s creativity with an engineer’s rigour, we come up with elegantly simple but highly effective solutions.

A reliable, teachable process

The design process that we have developed and refined over many years uses simple but effective techniques. We have worked with a number of leading UK universities and colleges teaching these techniques to both designers and engineers. 

We have also run successful creativity workshops for organisations such as Gillette, J&J, Visa and the Home Office. If you are interested in boosting the creativity of your team get in touch